Yesterday, meet up with one of my girls, Zulaishah.
Opps.. She's taken.. Haha .. Sorry lar aku tak mintak kebenaran utk amek gambar yg terkiut sgnt nih kan ..
Cincai uh kan .. Source utk blogging jadi blogger aku tak lar nmpk mcm nak mampos ..
Thks ehk..
Opps.. She's taken.. Haha .. Sorry lar aku tak mintak kebenaran utk amek gambar yg terkiut sgnt nih kan ..
Cincai uh kan .. Source utk blogging jadi blogger aku tak lar nmpk mcm nak mampos ..
Thks ehk..

Done with my assignment (all thanks to this lady), rushed to Woodland to catch movie.
Biken darah up, btol uh nih mamat!! Confident tanye dkt mane da sampai ke belom .. Aku ade lah susah2 update dier pat mane2, check2 dier sampai lambat .. Mutiiittooott!!
Amek kaww .. Kan da kene jln sorg .. Da lah saket perot ..
Movie was at 9.20pm.. An hour early, rushed to his home .. Got myself "settled" and out again ..
The movie overall, I rate it OKAY LAR ..
Kelakar seram ..
Name Jin dier Notti Binte Nesti (starring Farah Fauzana).
Aku tak tao pulak Jin nih ade pakai binte .. Jin Islam kott ..
Ade Jin Tan (alar rempah utk msk2), Sofea Jin (suppose to be Sofea Jean ), Jin Samsu (Jin Samsudin dan JinBara ..
"Sejahat-jahat manusia adalah sebaik-baik Jin"
Cube tafsirkan .. Chey2 .. K dah .. Interested gi tgk selagi stock wyg maseh ada ..

3rd day of raya was well spend with my Mr. Right insyallah...
He fetched me then off to sister's place..
Had Canadian Pizza.. Raye2 makan pizza.. Mane dapat?
*Thanks Along* bukan tai-long nyer ah-long lar ..
I ate Singapura Special with alot2 of Chilli flakes and Cheese .. Dier nyer rase .. Mao terantok babe .. And Meat Lover .. Alar tak pedas .. Boring uh!!!
Org da belanje kan, bedal je lar ..

Then to his aunties places at Ang Mo Kio and Woodlands ..
Lepas tu give up uh!! Pakai kasut tgi kan .. Jalan sane sini, parah sey kaki ..
Off to his place and zzzZZZ .. Like panda like that ..

Him with his fake eyes (contact lens ) and me with my fake eyelashes.
Ade je bende yang fake .. Cinta tak fake, okay ? *mentel mode inserted*

Me: "Bie, I cranky tak ?"
Him: "Not so........................ y?"
Me: "Ehk you takmu cover pantat I uh.. I tny btol2.. Biken darah up uh gini.. Haha.."
Him:" Bkn b.. I dowan hurt u lar gundu gal"
Me: " Dgr2 u ckp I gundu tk hurt ? Paaarrriaaahhhh .. Ckp uh btl2!!!"
Him: " At times uh.."
Me: " Den u still luv me n wan me be ur wife?"
Him: " Actually akn b ..... U rase2? I rase you pon cantek uh .. "
Me: "Pale otak u .. Da la .. Tny bt2, maen2 jer tao .. "
Him: " I da respon I want b .. I want you to be my wife eventhough you are cranky "
Klw tak naek kan darah daging aku, tak sah!!!
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