I decided to blog whilst I have the time.
My blog is lack of juicy and spicy updates, I know.
Well, I'm busy like I've mentioned.
Resolving conflicts.
Doing some soul-searching, never-ending.
Everything happened on the previous weekend.
I quarreled with Mummy because of someone that I very much despise.
And, I kinda hate it.
I put tears on my Mum's eyes which I regretted after sometime.
All I know, I went out of the house several days before coming back.
The unease feeling. The dramatic event that took place.
Oh my!!
I confronted my Mum and apologised.
Partially, was my mistake. I know.
We talked, We hugged. We make up.
She give me the solutions to the problem.
But I guess, it will be much more hassles.
Whatever it is, I hope for the best.
I wish to rest my case.
I wished.
My splendid days start with Friday.
Meet up Bestie.
Helped her with her complicated dress/top.
Busy trying the new make-up.
My blog is lack of juicy and spicy updates, I know.
Well, I'm busy like I've mentioned.
Resolving conflicts.
Doing some soul-searching, never-ending.
Everything happened on the previous weekend.
I quarreled with Mummy because of someone that I very much despise.
And, I kinda hate it.
I put tears on my Mum's eyes which I regretted after sometime.
All I know, I went out of the house several days before coming back.
The unease feeling. The dramatic event that took place.
Oh my!!
I confronted my Mum and apologised.
Partially, was my mistake. I know.
We talked, We hugged. We make up.
She give me the solutions to the problem.
But I guess, it will be much more hassles.
Whatever it is, I hope for the best.
I wish to rest my case.
I wished.
My splendid days start with Friday.
Meet up Bestie.
Helped her with her complicated dress/top.
Busy trying the new make-up.

Later that night, went to Geylang to hunt for matching baju kurung.
On the way there, had a major tiff with the pantat boyfriend.
Like usual, he gave in.
Naek kan darah aku lagi lar!! Mintak smack down!!!
"Don't make me, make me cause a scene up in here"
Satuday was to Jurong Bird Park.
"Bunyi nya di sini bukan di sini .. BOOOONN GGO"
Haha.. It remind me of the Pendekar Bujang Lapok Scene.
Mahal nak mampos lar Fish & Chip!!
Tu Mug mcm nak smuggle buat balek je..
Unique to the max!!

The Be-Birdss..
Boyfriend: " Bie, I nak pelihara Burung lar"
Me: "Buat ape? U kan da ade?"
Boyfriend "Tanak tu boring. I nak parrot. I nak ajar dier ckp assalamualaikum bile org dtg. Jadi org tak tao beri slm tu bley blajar dari burung I" (sounded sooo wrong)
Me: "Ape je."
Boyfriend: " Bie, nanti kiter balek check internet on 'parrot sales'. I nak beli. Klw boleh colour merah"
Me: frowned.
Semangat betol anak bertuah nih!! Berangan je!!
Exciting sunggoh kiter bedue tgk2 burung.

Skali kan... Skali je.. Not due kali ehk..
I saw this cute couple white-pink parrot.
Duduk berduaan lagi youuu..
Teros pusing pat bf and say.
Me :"Bie, I pon nk burung"
Boyfriend: "Hah? Burung ape ehk?
Me: " Burung tuhhhhh.. (pointing at the pink white parrot"
Boyfriend: " Ehk, lawa sey u.. Balek nanti u check internet k? I belikan u.. Tapi nampaknyer I lar yg jage..
Me : "Tao takpe-lah...."

Gambar below duplicate..
Malas nak delete.. Hehe..
Ade byk, but lazy lar to upload or buat cantek2..
Byk cantek burung2 nih, aku nak kene edit, aku jugak nak kene upload!!

The exciting part of this trip is that we got to redeem "pearls" from one of the retail shop.
I got one in pink and pure white pearl.
Dier bukak tuh oyster depan mate sey..

Boyfriend: "Baby, U check the parrot yang I nak, pls"
Me: google search engine and click. "Uh nie ade, u nak beli telor dier ke nak beli yg da besar?"
Boyfriend: "wah telor dier import export ehk? arbey camne nak tao dier 100% bole 'beranak'?
Me: '' ntah, yg tukang jual nih ckp 100% bole lar.. klw u tak tao u tny dorg uh camne nak jage. nanti i belikan u buku camne care2 nak jage burung".
Boyfriend: "ok can. den baby check kan lar name2 dier"
Me: " Hby, u nak merah kan? ade due type tapi I rase Scarlet Macaw lawa.
I nak Galah ..... Pink white parrot yg I nak tu ade nih.."
Boyfriend: " Scarelt Mak Kaww? Gallah??"
Lol. Idiot!!!
Mcm phm uh nih due ekor nak jage parrot!!
Sunday was just slacking at home, if I'm not wrong.
Come Monday, this bf of mine was lazy or in order words still misses me, he dragged me out of bed, to accompany him to the clinic to take MC. Madang kan nih anak!!
Get two days MC..
Make this two days to rest.
Tu jer.
Kyla, that's all for now.
Up next, kueh yg tak menjadi yg dihasilkan oleh yours truly and her bestie.
Stay tune.

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