Basically, my day was well spend because at last I got to do my shopping despite I'm not working at the moment and the mother decided to sponsor my spree.
But still, ade pegi, ade balek.
Need to hunt for her birthday present. Sigh!!
I'm super excited because I got the bag that I've been laying my eyes on.
Baby Phat by kimora lee simmons.
I misplaced by USB cable so I will upload the overdue picture soon.
And, I got myself a new wallet from Paris Hilton.
Ironically, I don't like her nor idolize her, except for her labels.
Hehe. Sunggoh girlie!!
On the other hand, Mum bought herself Carlo Rhino bag and Shoe from Tangs.
She wanted to get the Bonia but changed her mind since she has already two of those at home.
And, I'm officially a Tangs member and also VIP Member of Flow.
Sign up for two membership in a day.
Kiasu Singaporean!!
Good deal, since me and the mother loves to shop there and on top of that we can get extra-extra discount and that means can save up for more things!
Betol tak theory saye?
I think I know what to get for boyfriend for our big day already.
I wanted something unique.
So, just surveyed some of the things.
Check them out!!
Sneakers- L.A.M.B by Gwen Stefani
But still, ade pegi, ade balek.
Need to hunt for her birthday present. Sigh!!
I'm super excited because I got the bag that I've been laying my eyes on.
Baby Phat by kimora lee simmons.
I misplaced by USB cable so I will upload the overdue picture soon.
And, I got myself a new wallet from Paris Hilton.
Ironically, I don't like her nor idolize her, except for her labels.
Hehe. Sunggoh girlie!!
On the other hand, Mum bought herself Carlo Rhino bag and Shoe from Tangs.
She wanted to get the Bonia but changed her mind since she has already two of those at home.
And, I'm officially a Tangs member and also VIP Member of Flow.
Sign up for two membership in a day.
Kiasu Singaporean!!
Good deal, since me and the mother loves to shop there and on top of that we can get extra-extra discount and that means can save up for more things!
Betol tak theory saye?
I think I know what to get for boyfriend for our big day already.
I wanted something unique.
So, just surveyed some of the things.
Check them out!!
Sneakers- L.A.M.B by Gwen Stefani

House of Dereon by Beyonce.
My all time favourite.
So far as I'm concerned, I only own the hoody dress, the cap sleeves shirt in pink and the sexy momma halter dress.
I need more of these. "Rynn, u seriously need to work alright?"
See the logo?

I always berangan to wear high cut but then kan, bf sey tak kene because i'm short!!
Ape je!! Belom try cube, belom tao !!

These comes with variety of colour and I shall get myself the white one!!
Hubby!! I nak nih!! I order, u byr? Hehe

Mengancam sark klw aku pakai!!
Especially klw pegi zoo..
Semer rimao sujud kat aku!!
"tao takot!! korg degil lagi lar, aku sembelih korg buat baju aku!!"
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