My 2nd day of Raya was not so bad after all since I still got the opportunity to visit my relatives.
Mind you, I have a very-very big family on both sides.
Be it the the mother's or father's s.
Sedare jauh. Nenek sedare. Datuk Sedare. Dan yang semua sewaktu dengannyer.
Belum termasuk dekat KL, Pahang, Melaka, Johor, Indonesia and ermmm ... (need to ask my mother).
On the 2nd of Hari Raya, was waken up by the mother.
She arrived home 3 in the morning. I already fast asleep by then.
Nasib baik la dier masak lauk-paok (very melayu!!) kegemaran I. (tk bole angs!!).
Lodeh. Satay goreng*. Sambal satay. Sambal Sotong.
And the sister brought Rendang Ayam from home.
From Kampong, Dodol Durian(drools)*, kuih-muih bermacam rasa, bahulu, love letters, Ayam masak kicap, serunding daging, ayam lemak and many2 more.
Full bonet!! Kaya.. Kaya.. Kaya..
Kaya lauk!!
Turun 4 kg!! Naik jer 16kg (exaggerating!!).. Melampawww!!
Got ready and sister's family arrived.
Chit chat and catching up, (padehal hari2 kakak aku call rumah, ape saje!!)..
And next was my favourite!!
Salam bersalaman and memohon keampunan atas kesalahan yang lalu.
Bear with me with my malay language. Aku tao.. *roll eyes*
Sebak dade. Sebak rase. Sebak hati.
Tahan babe. Susah payah make-up ade je cair. Lol.
Mind you, I have a very-very big family on both sides.
Be it the the mother's or father's s.
Sedare jauh. Nenek sedare. Datuk Sedare. Dan yang semua sewaktu dengannyer.
Belum termasuk dekat KL, Pahang, Melaka, Johor, Indonesia and ermmm ... (need to ask my mother).
On the 2nd of Hari Raya, was waken up by the mother.
She arrived home 3 in the morning. I already fast asleep by then.
Nasib baik la dier masak lauk-paok (very melayu!!) kegemaran I. (tk bole angs!!).
Lodeh. Satay goreng*. Sambal satay. Sambal Sotong.
And the sister brought Rendang Ayam from home.
From Kampong, Dodol Durian(drools)*, kuih-muih bermacam rasa, bahulu, love letters, Ayam masak kicap, serunding daging, ayam lemak and many2 more.
Full bonet!! Kaya.. Kaya.. Kaya..
Kaya lauk!!
Turun 4 kg!! Naik jer 16kg (exaggerating!!).. Melampawww!!
Got ready and sister's family arrived.
Chit chat and catching up, (padehal hari2 kakak aku call rumah, ape saje!!)..
And next was my favourite!!
Salam bersalaman and memohon keampunan atas kesalahan yang lalu.
Bear with me with my malay language. Aku tao.. *roll eyes*
Sebak dade. Sebak rase. Sebak hati.
Tahan babe. Susah payah make-up ade je cair. Lol.

Supposingly, dad wants to drive but then, haish.. Tak habes2 kekok.
How like that? License tu simpan buat jerok sudah.
Or give me. Haha.
And so, the brother took over the role.
Cramp like sardine.
No choice lar. I haven't pass what.

Rumah Ninda (nenek) Bedah.
She is so called like a replacement of my late grandmother.
I love her house.
The physical apperance of this kuih is so irresistable but the tase? No comment.
Oh ya, yang terselit pat belakang tu is my Ninda Bedah.

Sedang aku berangan syiok sendiri amek gamba pat garden, sis family interframe.
Her family portrait.
My niece and nephew.
Ya lah. I'm Auntie. Shut up already!!
Ya lah. I'm Auntie. Shut up already!!

Candid moments.

*evil laugh*
Up next.
Bukit Panjang.
Uncle's house (mummy's elder brother).
We feasted on Lontong Goreng whilst watching Duyong.
And the camera batt went flat.
Thanks to yours truly did'nt charge.
Off to Kak Mancha's house which is just next block.
And Mummy's sister which is my auntie few blocks away.
Very convinient.
And there, all my cousins came. It was really awkward because we didn't meet each other for years and this time round when we meet, things change.
Grown up lar katekan.
Busy talking about marriage.
Ape saje. Pissed off betol!!
Bangge uh konon!! *shake heads*
Lagi satu sebok cakap pasal kereta baru beli lar ape lah.
Ape cakap? What for buy care then ended up have to rent own house and share roof with others just for the sake of paying the car? Tak muai betol.
Biar pape, asal bergaye. Tak paham aku org2 nih.
"Jauhkan lar aku dari berperangai sedemikian".

Using half-gonna die soon hp to capture pictures for the last house of the day.
Makan time!!!
Nasi Briyani with ayam rempah and butter prawn(i'll give a pass to seafoods!!).

My closest nephew.
Muhd. Haziq.
Klw bebual, cakap english berabok!!
Klw dier ckp melayu, terbalek-balek.
" Buchu, that time uh, I went Geyang Pasar with Ibu"
Pasar Geylang.
Geylang Pasar??..
This year will be the forth time celebrating this festive with boyfriend.
Oh my!! Let me reminisce a bit.
I went on with boyfriend during the month of Ramadhan in 2006.
Few days before Raya, he asked me to be his girlfriend by saying this via sms on 1718hrs.
" Sudikah awak menjadi teman wanita saya, untuk selamanya?"
Before that he already asked me to wear the same matching suit with him although there's this other girl who wanted to pair with him.
Well, of course I didn't think anything will happen because I treat him as my friend. And futhermore that time I just broke up with the previous ex.
Ok bedek. Ade suke siket uh!! *blushing*
We chose white as our theme colour.
Sanggup pergi geylang cari baju padahal belum ade pape.Cute pulak. Haha.
24.10.06 afternoon, he told me on the phone, he have something to say that night.
I didn't call him because I was up to something.
The next day he didn't message me much. Merajok ke ape budak tuh, I don't know la.
But on the 26.10.06, he proposed to me. Haha.. Tak sabar agaknyer.
It took me seconds to reply. So jyeah.
3rd day of raya, bestie had an open house so I went with him.
Malu-malu kuchig sark satu2.
Him? With his blonde hair. I know. Typical kan? Da uh!! Diam !!
He carried my bag but walk behind me all the way. No!! He didn't even hold my hands. Grr.
After the open house, we decided to catch movie at Woodlands.
Only when we reached Woodlands Mrt and when I 'terpelecok, only then he held my hands.
Rare species lar okay kalau laki2 malu macam gitu sekali!
First movie watch was D.O.A.
Bukan Doa yang kiter bace lar.
Dead or Alive. Action babe!! Awww.. When he cuddled me, sent shivers down my spine.
After that, he wants me to come over his place but then I said next time. Malu lar!!
Reached home and the next thing I knew, I didn't bring my keys along.
Ketuk2 pintu, call rumah, my parents tak angkat!! Sedey kejap!!
Called boyfriend.
"Bie, I reached home but I forgot my keys. My parents tak bukak pintu. Dorg tak dengar"
"Huh? U turn sini la. Klw train takde, u naek cab, i bayar."
And? That was the first day I went out with him as a couple and it was my first day sleeping over.
Early in the morning, woke up and went eat breakfast at Al-Ameen.
Had Roti Prata Sausage and Cheese.
And off to send me home.
Kyla, wanna get ready.
Nak jalan raye to his side pulak.
Oh my!! Let me reminisce a bit.
I went on with boyfriend during the month of Ramadhan in 2006.
Few days before Raya, he asked me to be his girlfriend by saying this via sms on 1718hrs.
" Sudikah awak menjadi teman wanita saya, untuk selamanya?"
Before that he already asked me to wear the same matching suit with him although there's this other girl who wanted to pair with him.
Well, of course I didn't think anything will happen because I treat him as my friend. And futhermore that time I just broke up with the previous ex.
Ok bedek. Ade suke siket uh!! *blushing*
We chose white as our theme colour.
Sanggup pergi geylang cari baju padahal belum ade pape.Cute pulak. Haha.
24.10.06 afternoon, he told me on the phone, he have something to say that night.
I didn't call him because I was up to something.
The next day he didn't message me much. Merajok ke ape budak tuh, I don't know la.
But on the 26.10.06, he proposed to me. Haha.. Tak sabar agaknyer.
It took me seconds to reply. So jyeah.
3rd day of raya, bestie had an open house so I went with him.
Malu-malu kuchig sark satu2.
Him? With his blonde hair. I know. Typical kan? Da uh!! Diam !!
He carried my bag but walk behind me all the way. No!! He didn't even hold my hands. Grr.
After the open house, we decided to catch movie at Woodlands.
Only when we reached Woodlands Mrt and when I 'terpelecok, only then he held my hands.
Rare species lar okay kalau laki2 malu macam gitu sekali!
First movie watch was D.O.A.
Bukan Doa yang kiter bace lar.
Dead or Alive. Action babe!! Awww.. When he cuddled me, sent shivers down my spine.
After that, he wants me to come over his place but then I said next time. Malu lar!!
Reached home and the next thing I knew, I didn't bring my keys along.
Ketuk2 pintu, call rumah, my parents tak angkat!! Sedey kejap!!
Called boyfriend.
"Bie, I reached home but I forgot my keys. My parents tak bukak pintu. Dorg tak dengar"
"Huh? U turn sini la. Klw train takde, u naek cab, i bayar."
And? That was the first day I went out with him as a couple and it was my first day sleeping over.
Early in the morning, woke up and went eat breakfast at Al-Ameen.
Had Roti Prata Sausage and Cheese.
And off to send me home.
Kyla, wanna get ready.
Nak jalan raye to his side pulak.
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