How's your first day of fasting?
Although I can't fast (with valid reason, of course),
I didn't eat through out.
I went for a Job Affair at Suntec City and my lovely boy accompanied me after his work.
I was already sulking when he said, he can't accompany me but when I woke up around noon on that Saturday, I received a message saying he'll be accompanying his baby-girl.
Get ready and met up with him at City Hall.
I applied for quite number of posting.
Sales and also Office line.
Sidetrack, below are the food that I enjoyed during the first day.
What I like about fasting month is that my mother will take the initiatives to cook sumptuous dish, especially my favourite, but I guess this year, I won't be enjoying that much due to certain thins. And that totally sickening.
Although I can't fast (with valid reason, of course),
I didn't eat through out.
I went for a Job Affair at Suntec City and my lovely boy accompanied me after his work.
I was already sulking when he said, he can't accompany me but when I woke up around noon on that Saturday, I received a message saying he'll be accompanying his baby-girl.
Get ready and met up with him at City Hall.
I applied for quite number of posting.
Sales and also Office line.
Sidetrack, below are the food that I enjoyed during the first day.
What I like about fasting month is that my mother will take the initiatives to cook sumptuous dish, especially my favourite, but I guess this year, I won't be enjoying that much due to certain thins. And that totally sickening.
Macaroni Goreng. My neighbour send it to me.
Siap ader udang and telor.
Melampao kaww.
Siap ader udang and telor.
Melampao kaww.

The main dish of the day. Laksa Lemak.
My Mummy Monster was so eager and asked me to capture her skillful cooking dish.
"Rynn, amek gambar nie skali lar. Mummy masak nih." ;p
You can see she's holding the dish. *drools*

There's epok2, goreng pisang style ape ntah, and mee goreng.
Tu pon, jiran sebelah menyebelah yang kasi.
Full of food!! Haha.

And yesterday, I satisfy my cravings for Ice-cream.
Initailly wanted to have that Haagen Darz, again.
Changed my mind and settled down with Ben & Jerry's.
I'm in need of this!! MUST!!

Let me ask you a question,
what you feel when you're really tired and all you need is your comfy bed,
but when you came home, and you see someone that you are not in favour,
just sleep in your bed without any consideration?
Two words.
I was at the bf's crib yesterday night as he insisted me to stay over.
And I did.
Make a move by 8am.
Reached home and Mummy was in the kitchen.
Since it's fasting month, she will be home by 9 every morning before continuing work at 10am.
What I did was, upon opening my bedroom door and see that bitch is on my bed,
I grabbed my towels and off to the toilet to have my proper bath again.
Slammed the toilet door.
Quick bath.
Got ready. Grabbed my things. Keys, hp, wallet and laptop.
Slammed the gate twice (because I went back in again, to take my things).
And now, here I am at the library.
Tuan punyer bilek keluar pasal tetamu yang tak diundang melampaww..
C'mon, first day of fasting, what you guys usually do if you're kind enough?
Prolly, fast with family kan?
That's what me and boyfriend did.
I let him go home to fast with his family.
Have sense of respect lar.
To that idiot, "ko simpan pas tu tanam sudah barang2 kao".
Tak ingin uh aku pegang.
Pandai kan, barang aku ko pegang, almari aku semer ader brg ko, takde pulak aku nk cakap byk.
Org ckp jgn melebeh!!
Pardon me!!
I'm seriously fed-up!!
That bedroom where lies my black history that shall not be disclosed and tu tempat jugak, ko buat maksiat!! Pakai otak ke tak!!
Although that incident happened 5 years back, still, I'm not recovering.
There's reason to why I abscond-ed and such!
Sape tahan, darah daging, ko buat mcm musuh!!
Nak sedih pon buat ape kan. No more tears to cry!
Aku da tanak amek peduli lagi.
The last time you strike again was last year that I manage to let it out all.
Suke2 perh.
Now you know the real me.
After all this while, I bear grudges against you!
Yeah, you!!
Private blog shall be updated later on.
I'm out!! Need a piece of my mind.
what you feel when you're really tired and all you need is your comfy bed,
but when you came home, and you see someone that you are not in favour,
just sleep in your bed without any consideration?
Two words.
I was at the bf's crib yesterday night as he insisted me to stay over.
And I did.
Make a move by 8am.
Reached home and Mummy was in the kitchen.
Since it's fasting month, she will be home by 9 every morning before continuing work at 10am.
What I did was, upon opening my bedroom door and see that bitch is on my bed,
I grabbed my towels and off to the toilet to have my proper bath again.
Slammed the toilet door.
Quick bath.
Got ready. Grabbed my things. Keys, hp, wallet and laptop.
Slammed the gate twice (because I went back in again, to take my things).
And now, here I am at the library.
Tuan punyer bilek keluar pasal tetamu yang tak diundang melampaww..
C'mon, first day of fasting, what you guys usually do if you're kind enough?
Prolly, fast with family kan?
That's what me and boyfriend did.
I let him go home to fast with his family.
Have sense of respect lar.
To that idiot, "ko simpan pas tu tanam sudah barang2 kao".
Tak ingin uh aku pegang.
Pandai kan, barang aku ko pegang, almari aku semer ader brg ko, takde pulak aku nk cakap byk.
Org ckp jgn melebeh!!
Pardon me!!
I'm seriously fed-up!!
That bedroom where lies my black history that shall not be disclosed and tu tempat jugak, ko buat maksiat!! Pakai otak ke tak!!
Although that incident happened 5 years back, still, I'm not recovering.
There's reason to why I abscond-ed and such!
Sape tahan, darah daging, ko buat mcm musuh!!
Nak sedih pon buat ape kan. No more tears to cry!
Aku da tanak amek peduli lagi.
The last time you strike again was last year that I manage to let it out all.
Suke2 perh.
Now you know the real me.
After all this while, I bear grudges against you!
Yeah, you!!
Private blog shall be updated later on.
I'm out!! Need a piece of my mind.
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