It's freaking 2 a.m in the morning and I seem can't get myself to sleep. Haiz.. Boyfriend is already sleeping beside me. And, my laptop is sucha a bitch!! LOSER!! I'm so gonna send you to the HP company to get you fixed for goodness sake!!
Hubby will be working later on. That means I'm only going home tomorrow.
Supposed to follow my mother and sister's family to Pandan just now since they are driving but this super-manja boy of mine wanted me to stay badly.. See lah, blew my chance of shopping again!! Alternatively I messaged my sister, letting her know things I need to get especially my beauty essentials! And wallet and tote bag and sling bag and my sports gear.. Haha.. For sure they have the hard time coz this missy here is so cerewet nak mampos.
On the other hand, I might be reconsidering working with Shidah at Sentosa. Wee.. Best or what!! Anybody need some bikini? I can get for you some discounts!! Oh ya, Shidah no more staying in AMK!! But the good, ader straight bus from my place!! HAHAHA..
My fully occupied day starts with Friday night.
Met up with boyfriend at causeway point and dine in Delifrance as mentioned previously. Look below!! Sedap seyy.. Not forgetting, we have chocolate croissant for dessert.. Mcm phm la bf!!
Hubby will be working later on. That means I'm only going home tomorrow.
Supposed to follow my mother and sister's family to Pandan just now since they are driving but this super-manja boy of mine wanted me to stay badly.. See lah, blew my chance of shopping again!! Alternatively I messaged my sister, letting her know things I need to get especially my beauty essentials! And wallet and tote bag and sling bag and my sports gear.. Haha.. For sure they have the hard time coz this missy here is so cerewet nak mampos.
On the other hand, I might be reconsidering working with Shidah at Sentosa. Wee.. Best or what!! Anybody need some bikini? I can get for you some discounts!! Oh ya, Shidah no more staying in AMK!! But the good, ader straight bus from my place!! HAHAHA..
My fully occupied day starts with Friday night.
Met up with boyfriend at causeway point and dine in Delifrance as mentioned previously. Look below!! Sedap seyy.. Not forgetting, we have chocolate croissant for dessert.. Mcm phm la bf!!

Siap air leleh meliuh .. Hehs. Funny incident happened.. There is two sauce that came with the chicken wings. One is normal chilli sauce and the other i assume was tar tar sauce but I was wrong!!! Boyfriend taste it and looked at me with weird face
"Bie, nie tartar sauce ke? Apasal rase mcm spirit je? Pedas rase pat tekak, U sure tar tar sauce?"
And the gf replied
"Uh2 kot.. I tak dgr lar tadi waitress tu ckp ape.."
"Klw tak tar tar, wasabe tak bie"
He stared at me with his feirce eyes.
I could stop laughing.
Infact, it is wasabe.
Unfortunately, I did not snapped his weird face while trying his best to remain macho!
Sorry horr boyfriend..
Saturday Afternoon.

We went around the shopping mall to find myself a dress but nothing captures my eyes. So yeah.. After that, we thought of havig ice cream at Haagen Darz but we simply could'nt find the place.. I remeber seeing the restaurant months back.. Closedown already is it? So we just walk around; admiring those bars and clubs.. The boyfriend was tempting to slack at one of the bar named "Clinic" because of the unique atmosphere.. Next time k dear?
Ehk, the G-max macam gerek je ehk? But hell, super seram or what!! Me and boyfriend decided to stop by just to see the ang-mo's taking those ride.. Jantong da macam pat Jubor lar sey.. Mati hidop balek takkan ku naek!! Haha.. Only then we decided to make our way home.. Before that, sempat enjoy scenery pat boat quey.. We walked from clark quey to boat quey.. Luckily I'm not with heels.. Klw tidak, mao aku melalak setengah jalan!! And futhermore, I did not have any meals that day!! No mood!! Because I'm sleepy and tired.. That morning, I only sleep like 3 hours and I was disturbed.. Haha..
Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!!
I sleep like a log since I wake early in the morning.
Hubby went to work and me? Off home.
Upon reaching my place, only then I realised I forgot to bring my keys.
Dialled Mum's number, met her up at Mosque ( dad's working place).
Reached home at 10a.m.
Ader jembalang tido katil aku!!
Binget sial (sorry for the vulgarities)..
Slammed the door and went mum's bedroom.
On the tv out loud and off to sleep.
If mummy finds out, sumpah aku in trouble!!
In trouble for leaving the electricity on for 2 solid hours.
Naseb baek 2 hrs jer..
Sadar, tutop tv.. Pap!! tido!!
Bangon, mandi, makan and went out to meet my girl.
Initial plan was to Adam road to have our dinner but then bdk tu lambat sgnt.
We had our favourite kway teow lar kan, ape lagi!!
We bitched, gossip, pour out and alot more.
thanks for accompanying my National Day.
Even though we did have a proper outing, but the important thing is that we enjoyed each other's company!!
Close to midnight, off to woodlands again to meet the BOYFRIEND.
Something happened.
We talked. We kissed.We hug.
See that Cina boy? My nephew..
My eye-candy.
Happy 44th Birthday Singapore!!
I sleep like a log since I wake early in the morning.
Hubby went to work and me? Off home.
Upon reaching my place, only then I realised I forgot to bring my keys.
Dialled Mum's number, met her up at Mosque ( dad's working place).
Reached home at 10a.m.
Ader jembalang tido katil aku!!
Binget sial (sorry for the vulgarities)..
Slammed the door and went mum's bedroom.
On the tv out loud and off to sleep.
If mummy finds out, sumpah aku in trouble!!
In trouble for leaving the electricity on for 2 solid hours.
Naseb baek 2 hrs jer..
Sadar, tutop tv.. Pap!! tido!!
Bangon, mandi, makan and went out to meet my girl.
Initial plan was to Adam road to have our dinner but then bdk tu lambat sgnt.
We had our favourite kway teow lar kan, ape lagi!!
We bitched, gossip, pour out and alot more.
thanks for accompanying my National Day.
Even though we did have a proper outing, but the important thing is that we enjoyed each other's company!!
Close to midnight, off to woodlands again to meet the BOYFRIEND.
Something happened.
We talked. We kissed.We hug.
See that Cina boy? My nephew..
My eye-candy.

Monday (public holiday)
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