Good Evening..
Initially, I wanted to update this blog of mine in the morning when I came back from Hubby's crib. But then, I fell asleep. Hehe. Here I am now. My weekend was not that bad after all although there was some communication breakdown with the idiot boyfriend. Tao takot kan!! I ran amok that very day luckily the bf knows how to handle me if not.. Haizzz.. And he still can say " Dalah Bie, I testing you je. Tadi buat kelakar lar. I ketawe U tak nampak ke".. Kepale otak u uh sotong!! Geram sark aku!!
Saturday Night
I made my way to Jurong to fetch Hubby by 10 plus. On my way, I saw this Chines boy painstakingly wrapping a bouquet of roses. Siap beli wrapper and buat sendiri sey tu anak... Like so AWWW.. But bf better.. He made flowers out of wrappers for me.. Lol!! Reached Jurong 11 plus and I was early again.. Haiz.. That pantat bf reached 20 minutes later after which we proceed to Woodlands. Grab some tidbits and off to his crib.
Sunday afternoon, got ready and starts our journey to JB. Yeah2.. I do my shopping spree at JB.. You would'nt want to know how much I spend. Bf shakes head. I splurge mostly on cosmetics.
A korea brand. Very nice packaging that's why I buy lar.. And not forgetting Carlo Rhino compact powder. I still need to purchase my beauty essentials such as shampoo, hair conditioner, scrub and etc sey.. Haizz.. Next time horr..

"U letak je gambar nie pat blog. See.. Muke pompan, tangan jantan.. Nanti org igt I mataer dgn mak nyah".. Perangai kan!!

Reached home by Evening. Unpacked our stuff. Bought total of 10 DVD's. Naseb baek lepas. Quota satu org 5 kan? Hehe.. Menggila you.. Bought G-Force, Imagine That and alot more.
Bf got himself a New Tee. Habes babe duit. Thought wanna watch movie, but the movie I intended to watch "Jangan Pandang Belakang Congkak" takde sey... Like so sad..
It was movie marathon for us. Whilst me busy doing nails for his Mum and sister, the boyfriend like usuals meddling with his I-phone and ...... the I-phone Jam.. Mari kiter ketawe kan dier!!
I told you already I-phone equals HASSLES!! He have to re-download all the software again and before that need to send for servicing.
He then decided to take URGENT LEAVE on Monday. Madang jer kan. Can still say " You klw ader, i slalu either gi keje lambat or tak gi keje".. Haha.. Arbey slh I lar nie.. F**K YOU..
Monday Rushed to Private Clinic then off his vcrib to catch some nap before going out again and with his cat face, he asked me to stay again for the night. Hehe...
Oh ya, one of my bestest girl gonna move out from AMK.. She's the one whom I have late supper with and last minute outing and now.. Sedih sey..
Rynn : Girl, kau pindah bile?
Shidah : By 8 Aug da kene angkat barang by 16 da kene clear..
Rynn : Wah.. Cepat sey..Tis week is your last week in amk..
Shidah : Ah2.. (insert sad face).. bile nak meet?
Rynn : Aku free giler.. Just book me out.. I go take car license kasi pass cpt2 den anytime I can go fetch you.
Shidah : Aiseyman!! Baek ar girl.. Cant wait!! Haha (hmm.. wait long2 sey tuh)
Rynn: Maybe shud ask my mum for downpayment then I just go buy the weekend kind of car..
Shidah : Klw aku mampu, aku chip in siket k! mesti rindu kau giler bab sey!! (ney part touching!!)
Rynn: Lol! Da mcm mataer sark.. Mcm lar ko nak g perang kat afghanistan. Padehal pindah dekat je tapi jaoh!!
Hehe.. Tis dear of mine gonna move out to Compassvale Lane jer.. Lmao!! I know.. Better than West Coast!! Grr..
I'm so gonna meet her up soon. I wanna buy new furniture for my bedroom!! Theme have not decide yet...
Oh ya, beofre I forgot, I would like to shout out to one of my gorgeous gf ; Sheryl N**** Isabella Bte R***.. Happy 20th Birthday on the August 10, incase I forget again!!
Hey girl, last 3-4 years ago, me and shidah made something for u for ur birthday gift but it was never reached out to you. We still love you babe although we made our own ways and direction. We miss you too, gf.. Good luck aye.. Meet up soon !!
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