Some of the gifts that I manage to took pictures.. Maklomlah nk buat kenangan!.. Haha..

No.2-This is cute! Our relationship was on the rock. That time I travelled to KL to some sort ease my mind and visited my relatives. He was kinda scared that I would leave him forever and he decided to write me a love letter.. That's sweet.. The content made me take him back!
No.3- Longest love letter ever!! Wadoi!!
No.4- Part of my collections... Please me Winnie, Snowy and Brownie.. Tweenie not in the pic!
No.5- It was actually a conversation between us via SMS.. I was msg him by web-msg.. Nothing new, he pleaded guilty for making your missy here angry!!

The next night, Love drop by my house just to give me those things to my mother.. The best part, I was at coffeeshop, lepak! Mammmposss.. Perangai sunnnn habesss.. Sorry dear..
No.2 & No. 3 - Flowers he made for me during his free time! Awww... Bie.. Nak lagi can?
No.4,5& 6- My first time getting Hari Raya Card from dear.. Taoo.. Semangat kental kan? Biasa jugak.. Mao memikat mah.. Chey2.. Siap letak pic dier.. He strike off his fren and his ex face.. Masyallah.. Hensem sey.. terpikat uh! Lol.. We're just fren and tis idiot love here sempat masokkn his powderful phrase "u klw miss i, tgk gambar i" *smack forehead*

No.1-Part of the cards I received.
No.2- He have the habit of giving me cakes because 2 reasons. 1st is for me and 2nd he oso can tumpang mkn coz he lovessssss cake alot then his gf... ohhh.. tak ehk bie?
No.3 - Flowers I received on my Vdae.. It comes with a Soo-Kee jewelry.. Hehe.. Suker2..
No.4- Bunge V-day yg da layu takot nk buang.. nanti hubby mara.. ckp aku tak appreaciate! Ape saje je tao! Da ber-cendawan da dear!!
Well, it was a change of plan on Sunday.
So yeah.
Update soon when I got home.
Currently at love's place.
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