Hello readers, the site mistress is back. Last update was last week. Reason being I didnt update that often because I cant upload my pictures. Lame. No USB cable. My bluetooth decide to give attitudes. But today, was my lucky day. My lappy bluetooth back to normal.

Tuesday was a job hunting and slacking session with gf. Granted her request to updates any outing with her only in my private blog. So hover to my private blog.
♥Click Here♥

For the past days, I ve been busy job hunting, watch mini marathon movie and transformed my desktop look exactly like mac book. Exciting!!! Hehe.. Thanks to my intelligence and skills mingling aroud with all the websites. Downloading,extracting,cut and paste and many more. Take me three days to have that mac complete look.
Movie Marathon
♥ Dance flick - Hillarious Movie. Must watch!! Nanti bilang dah tak suspen. Siket mcm epic movie, if you guys ever watch the movie.. K go!
♥ Ink heart - This movie was eons ago. Just got to watch it. Rent dvd. Since the hubby insisted that this is the good movie. Overall I rated 7/10. Adventure kinda movie. Whereby the leading actor and his daughter have the power to make everything in the book become surreal with their reading skills.
♥ Marley and Me - Outdated movie. Very touching!! How to handle the world's worst dog ever but still adore him at the same time.
♥ Night at the Museum 2 - Sadly this time round, the movie doesn't WOW me. I prefer the 1st one though.
♥Up - This movie have not yet realease but I got to watch it! Hehe. Cool!! For those who likes watching cartoon, I recommend you this movie. Touchy yet cute!!
♥ Jangan Tegur - For those who already watch and claimed the movie sound effect very the kurang ajar nak mampos. I totally agree with you guys!! My brother bought the pirated dvd, yet the sound system pon tak kasi last warning!! Not scary at all.. Cume yg thrilling is the sound effect je.. Story line better then the previous ones. Hantu dier maen lidah babe!! Hehe.. Horny2..
Sidetrack, thinking about customising my laptop skins. See below.. Lawa seyy..
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