Happy Anniversary Love.

In dream, the perfect love
has a smlie, a voice, a touch
that seem meant just for you.
In dreams, the perfect love
is tender and giving
always knowing just what to say
to make you feel wanted,
just to do
to make you feel loved...
In dreams, the perfect love
is that one person
with whom you can let go
and be yourself,
the one who makes you feel
completely alive
just being near.
I'm luckier
than most people
because I don't have to dream anymore...
I found you..
Dear Love,
Despite being cantankerous and overly-protective, no doubt you have your soft spot that always make me wait with anxiety; longing to be in your arms each day. Nevertheless, your unique charisma captivates me and bring the joyous yet blinding smiles to my face. Thank you for changing the maudlin person I am to a very bubbly and cheerful lady. We always have great time together (pls minus off the times we argue). Yet, at times I love the way we argue then make up and besides that, you respect and uphold my famous sentence " it's either my way or the highway", and you will pander to my command/wishes (okay I sound so bad already),without any exceptions. I maybe selfish,egoistic and opinionated, I admit partly, it was my mistakes too. I'm sorry.I understand your sacrificial time and effort was beyond par to mend your past mistakes and I'm very grateful for that. You went extra miles just to prove me wrong and to bring back that loquacious girl I used to be. I've done rationalizing and come to terms that whatever happened in the past, let it be and bury. What's important is our future now.Let's walk hand-in-hand towards our future dear. I'm very much complacent with whatever I have now. Thanks dear for making it worthwhile.
Despite being cantankerous and overly-protective, no doubt you have your soft spot that always make me wait with anxiety; longing to be in your arms each day. Nevertheless, your unique charisma captivates me and bring the joyous yet blinding smiles to my face. Thank you for changing the maudlin person I am to a very bubbly and cheerful lady. We always have great time together (pls minus off the times we argue). Yet, at times I love the way we argue then make up and besides that, you respect and uphold my famous sentence " it's either my way or the highway", and you will pander to my command/wishes (okay I sound so bad already),without any exceptions. I maybe selfish,egoistic and opinionated, I admit partly, it was my mistakes too. I'm sorry.I understand your sacrificial time and effort was beyond par to mend your past mistakes and I'm very grateful for that. You went extra miles just to prove me wrong and to bring back that loquacious girl I used to be. I've done rationalizing and come to terms that whatever happened in the past, let it be and bury. What's important is our future now.Let's walk hand-in-hand towards our future dear. I'm very much complacent with whatever I have now. Thanks dear for making it worthwhile.
Psst : Gf (If u're reading this)
Happy 32nd monthsaries to you too that falls one day before me.. (u should know who u are).
K dah... "tepi"-track..
See-lah, belum pergi KL, da ader minah biseng... Takot rindu cakap!! Ape gune ader gadgets canggih2 klw tak make full-use kan minah... minah ape ehk aku nk pgl ko? minah-kens.. Kental? Kentang? da bgs tao tak rhyme dengan kemek ke kemut ke.. Lol.. Zulaishah.. Zulaishah... Name panjang nah.. bley pendek kan? Zul? Jantan sark... Aishah? Pls, takmu feeling2 mcm name pmpn mly ter-akhir.. Aku rase aku pgl ko Ichaaa.. Huhh... Mcm cute gitu.... Nie mesti ko nk ckp "aku tao aku cute".. tak perlu ehk gerl... K Icha.. Baby Dino aku mane? Busy kejer ehk kak? Lps Icha nyer exams kiter outing uh!!! Da lame tk jmp.. Rindu bangets dweh...Oh ya, Sheryl, if possible tag along pls.. Its been quite a long time we didnt sit and talk.. Alot of things to "ket-chup".. You missed the previous outing! Lame!!
Remember the school I'm applying for? It's sooooo ON!!
I already e-mailed them about my interest in pursuing in that collegue. I have just received the response. Weeee...
Told Mummy about it, she was super-duper sexcited just like me. She prefer me to study in KL. Becoz before this, I have been contemplating to continue another 2 years in Perth, Australia. She kinda disagree with it due to financially tight. Oh wells... But still the best part I can pursue my fashion industry dream. I've set certain goals. I've also broke the news to Love just now, nie lagi satu sotong.. Lol.. Jgn mara Bie, nanti kene jual.. He say anything can, as long as I'm happy.
Visiting KL end of the year to survey more on the school. So... Bangkok trip off ehk? Pfft.. Takpe Bangkok tak lari uh!! Akan ku kembali ke Bangkok and shopping till Bengkok!! Oh ya, to Nora-Lee, how ehk the Bintan trip?
Hows my day?
Feeling so effete.. Grr.. Send countless of resume to few company.. Die2 need a job lar seyy.. Mind you, I already edit my resume for ______times just to make it look more outstanding so that I will be given a chance to get a job soon. Later afternoon, continue painting the door-frame.. Now senget aredy.. Eyes so droppy and my eye-bag weighs 10 tonnes.. Haha.. Mcm phm! Pfft!
Now I think I wanna do my portfolio. Semangat berkobar-kobar mcm Flag Singapore.
Ehk tu berkibar kan? Maaf lar kan, da lame tak masok kelas Cikgu Siti.. Korg yg same skola ngan aku tak perlu igtkan enemy terketat aku ehk pls..
Da uh! Ciao-Cin-Chiioaww .. Haus lar pulaks.. Zaaaapppppp....
Oh ya pade sape meluat tgk gamba di atas esp yg "single-mingle".
3 words for you.
See-lah, belum pergi KL, da ader minah biseng... Takot rindu cakap!! Ape gune ader gadgets canggih2 klw tak make full-use kan minah... minah ape ehk aku nk pgl ko? minah-kens.. Kental? Kentang? da bgs tao tak rhyme dengan kemek ke kemut ke.. Lol.. Zulaishah.. Zulaishah... Name panjang nah.. bley pendek kan? Zul? Jantan sark... Aishah? Pls, takmu feeling2 mcm name pmpn mly ter-akhir.. Aku rase aku pgl ko Ichaaa.. Huhh... Mcm cute gitu.... Nie mesti ko nk ckp "aku tao aku cute".. tak perlu ehk gerl... K Icha.. Baby Dino aku mane? Busy kejer ehk kak? Lps Icha nyer exams kiter outing uh!!! Da lame tk jmp.. Rindu bangets dweh...Oh ya, Sheryl, if possible tag along pls.. Its been quite a long time we didnt sit and talk.. Alot of things to "ket-chup".. You missed the previous outing! Lame!!
Remember the school I'm applying for? It's sooooo ON!!
I already e-mailed them about my interest in pursuing in that collegue. I have just received the response. Weeee...
Told Mummy about it, she was super-duper sexcited just like me. She prefer me to study in KL. Becoz before this, I have been contemplating to continue another 2 years in Perth, Australia. She kinda disagree with it due to financially tight. Oh wells... But still the best part I can pursue my fashion industry dream. I've set certain goals. I've also broke the news to Love just now, nie lagi satu sotong.. Lol.. Jgn mara Bie, nanti kene jual.. He say anything can, as long as I'm happy.
Visiting KL end of the year to survey more on the school. So... Bangkok trip off ehk? Pfft.. Takpe Bangkok tak lari uh!! Akan ku kembali ke Bangkok and shopping till Bengkok!! Oh ya, to Nora-Lee, how ehk the Bintan trip?
Hows my day?
Feeling so effete.. Grr.. Send countless of resume to few company.. Die2 need a job lar seyy.. Mind you, I already edit my resume for ______times just to make it look more outstanding so that I will be given a chance to get a job soon. Later afternoon, continue painting the door-frame.. Now senget aredy.. Eyes so droppy and my eye-bag weighs 10 tonnes.. Haha.. Mcm phm! Pfft!
Now I think I wanna do my portfolio. Semangat berkobar-kobar mcm Flag Singapore.
Ehk tu berkibar kan? Maaf lar kan, da lame tak masok kelas Cikgu Siti.. Korg yg same skola ngan aku tak perlu igtkan enemy terketat aku ehk pls..
Da uh! Ciao-Cin-Chiioaww .. Haus lar pulaks.. Zaaaapppppp....
Oh ya pade sape meluat tgk gamba di atas esp yg "single-mingle".
3 words for you.
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