Ongoing assignments have been pilling up calling for my undivided attention and uptight schedules, therefore I'm taking indefinite leave of absence from blogging.. Pardon me for the lack of updates.. I'm trying my very best to blog for the sake of boyfriend who is now actively reading my daily rants.. Blearghs!! Today's rant will be lengthy.. I've upload pictures for your eyes to feast on..
"Sometime love comes around.. It knocks you down, just keep back up when it knocks you down"
Happy 2 years and 9 months to Hubby Roy. You never fails to do your best with your enlightening pesona, stupid ever jokes and silly surprises just to make your miss here cheer up. Although nowadays you have been getting yourself into trouble and your sweet-nothings becoming quite cliche, you know that I can't simply just forget about this relationship. Prove me something that I'm worth being with you ehk Bie.. May we have more monthsaries to come.
Thanks for the gift. Love, love..
Lets start on with Sunday, as mentioned previously, I have a crash course at APMI KAPLAN. Business mathematics. So my guesses are all true.. It's about maths.. 8 hours of stucking my butts on chair and eye on the screen.. Drive me nuts.. But it's not bad after all as the lecturer so called spoon fed us.. Lol! He can still say "Ok, you guys can go to sleep first alright because this part is not so important.. But you would wanna wake up when I'm going through your assignments.." *shakes head* Nie mcm pensyarah pon ader.. But, his testimonials quite impressive okay!! He is currently certified accountant in Singapore,Malaysia,Canada and Australia.. I ponders how much his total income.. OMG!! Besides that, he is doing his PHD in NTU, Doctorate in Business Administration! Gosh!! Double Boom!! I so wanna continue my studies to PHD level!! Insyallah!!
I think I have no problem with math because your missy hear is the arithmetc connoisseur.. I did pretty good for my previous O-levels maths horr.. Haha..
Cut it short, yesterday was about PROBABILITY, MEAN,MEDIAN,MODE and a bit of A-Maths.. Higher standard.. I paid extra attention to the lecturer and VIOLLLAA!! I managed to do the assignments whilst the lecturer busy entertaining those who don't understand or just lazy to understand.. Ended up, the lecturer gave the answers.. Now, all I need to do is transfer my working to Microsoft because it needed to be type written.. That spells hassles!!
Boyfriend fetch me then after school. Visted the new Orchard Central nearby. It's damn big ok!! Dine-in Macdonalds.. Had shaker seaweed fries!! SEDAP!! Long time no see sey nie barang baekk punyer lar!! Window-shopped.. Off to ION, the new shoppin centre too.. Lol.. Nice..Nice..
And then it was home sweet home..
Sweet boyfriend got me a Mickey Mouse!! Lol!!
"Sometime love comes around.. It knocks you down, just keep back up when it knocks you down"
Happy 2 years and 9 months to Hubby Roy. You never fails to do your best with your enlightening pesona, stupid ever jokes and silly surprises just to make your miss here cheer up. Although nowadays you have been getting yourself into trouble and your sweet-nothings becoming quite cliche, you know that I can't simply just forget about this relationship. Prove me something that I'm worth being with you ehk Bie.. May we have more monthsaries to come.
Thanks for the gift. Love, love..
Lets start on with Sunday, as mentioned previously, I have a crash course at APMI KAPLAN. Business mathematics. So my guesses are all true.. It's about maths.. 8 hours of stucking my butts on chair and eye on the screen.. Drive me nuts.. But it's not bad after all as the lecturer so called spoon fed us.. Lol! He can still say "Ok, you guys can go to sleep first alright because this part is not so important.. But you would wanna wake up when I'm going through your assignments.." *shakes head* Nie mcm pensyarah pon ader.. But, his testimonials quite impressive okay!! He is currently certified accountant in Singapore,Malaysia,Canada and Australia.. I ponders how much his total income.. OMG!! Besides that, he is doing his PHD in NTU, Doctorate in Business Administration! Gosh!! Double Boom!! I so wanna continue my studies to PHD level!! Insyallah!!
I think I have no problem with math because your missy hear is the arithmetc connoisseur.. I did pretty good for my previous O-levels maths horr.. Haha..
Cut it short, yesterday was about PROBABILITY, MEAN,MEDIAN,MODE and a bit of A-Maths.. Higher standard.. I paid extra attention to the lecturer and VIOLLLAA!! I managed to do the assignments whilst the lecturer busy entertaining those who don't understand or just lazy to understand.. Ended up, the lecturer gave the answers.. Now, all I need to do is transfer my working to Microsoft because it needed to be type written.. That spells hassles!!
Boyfriend fetch me then after school. Visted the new Orchard Central nearby. It's damn big ok!! Dine-in Macdonalds.. Had shaker seaweed fries!! SEDAP!! Long time no see sey nie barang baekk punyer lar!! Window-shopped.. Off to ION, the new shoppin centre too.. Lol.. Nice..Nice..
And then it was home sweet home..
Sweet boyfriend got me a Mickey Mouse!! Lol!!
Up Next : NDP Rehearsal 2009, 25/07/2009..
Lets check out the FunPack.. Lol.. The boyfriend very semangat sark.. Once we settled down, and he turned to me and say "Bie, I nak check fun-pack dulu uh!!".. *shakes head*
Lets check out the FunPack.. Lol.. The boyfriend very semangat sark.. Once we settled down, and he turned to me and say "Bie, I nak check fun-pack dulu uh!!".. *shakes head*

Let me go into detail on the items okay? Haha..
Chocolate gardenia bread (tao amek lebeh uh!! I like seyy!!)..
Biscuits.. (BORING!!!).. 1 bttle NEAWATER (sape2 nak?.. the boyfriend drink it coz bopian lar kan, no more water..muke dier time minom.. haha.. laugh my arse off!! funny na mampos!!) .. 2 packets of drinks (H2o and crysanthemum, ehk spelling correct or not uh? cincai lar).. Coupon /vouchers to redeem (eye focus on 50% off to Jurong Bird Park and some makeover studio and many more lar kan.. kiasu singaporeans!!).. PONCO (incase hujan babe.. klw sape2 takde baju tuh, nie pon bole.. sexy youuuu.. can see trhough lagi taooo... mane dapat .. lol).. Vitamin C sweets (I give to boyfriend, rase tak sedap lar.. cerewet benar!!)...Dry and wet tissues... To sum up.. The fun pack consist of things to eat,drink, read and play lor.. Haha.. SEXCITING!!!

Sadly, I'm just too lazy to upload the fireworks and some other videos with regards of the celebration.. Alar, tgk TV on actual day sudah!! After that, it was straight home sweet home for us because I have lessons the next day..
Friday night, I persuaded the boyfriend to come over and company me since my parents will be going over to JB like again!! Asek kene tinggal jer!! Usually I can stay alone but not that particular friday!! DAMN!! You guys should know about the NENEK JUAL KEROPOK!
Nie bukan maen2 already sey.. It really happened tao!! Not to me.. But to my cousin who's residing in AMK avenue 1... The nenek came about Maghrib (7plus pm).. Her hubby bought the keropoks.. My cousin portrayed her as a very simple lady, carrying a red big beg and cajoling them to buy at least one and they did eventually..
After consuming the keropoks, the hubby suddenly got a very terrible stomache and their daugter merely 2 years kept absolute silent and not being her usual-selfs.. They get worried and called her mother (who is my aunty)..
They went out in search of holy water..
And when they reached home, only then they realised that the keropok is in bad quality..
Told mummy that hubby gonna accompany me for the night.. She advised me to shut all windows and door.. Menakotkan lar tu nenek!! Naseb baek tu anak sampai siang!! Siap kasi warning, nak naek msg ke call dulu.. HAHA!!
AHHH!!! This one we go Bugis to get the couple tee's.. Boyfriend with his sick face..The day before he has night shift.. So that explains his droppy eyes.. Mate steam sey bie.. Lol!!

Crash Course with Ms. Julaiha aka my sister.

Yea, I manage to cover up the topic on cutting the clothes and drawing template of clothes.. Expert already... See.. I'm a fast learner lar sister.. Poor sister have to entertain my non-stop questions.. "Ehk, why must draw like that?", "Why not nice?", "Why my curves not like yours?" and etc.. I did it in mere 2 hours.. Ok next, pants.. Then I complain to sister, I'm hungry.. Cekek darah punyer adek!! I went to ransacked her wardrobes and sit queitly beside and searching through all her recipe book!! She have no idae to cook.. And so.. we decided on the dish above.. It supposed to me called as "MEE LAKNA" or mee lakhnat lar kan.. haha.. But, we changed some of the ingredients so practically changed the name as well.. Rushed to nearby NTUC to get the things and went back to cook.. Not bad sey.. Biaselah kan, I masak mah... Like Hor Fun pon ader.. Alarmak, whilst typing this, stomach hungry sey.. How like that??!..
That morning, have a heart to heart talk with Mummy.. I sensed she's hiding something from me.. And that very morning, before I made my way to sister's place, I manage to connive her about her eccentric demeanor .. She broke down in tears.. Its quite saddening and I felt a total failure to my mum.. She has been tolerating with all my shits all these while and when she's at the lowest, I was not there for her.. She said, she didn't wanna worry me.. Mummy can be very cagey and tends to hide her emotional turmoil.. I think most of the mother does that.. I became wiser.. Nah.. I don't regret the events that took place because of all these several facets made me discovered profound insights..And now, I started to embark on a period of experimentation to gain experience and knowledge I missed out during my teen years.. The most significant element that my mother had taught is to be authentic best self and to religion.. But I always neglected the values that my parents have instilled in me.. Definitely, I'm gonna endeavor these to my next generations.. Mummy, thanks for everything.. I'm trying my very best to be there when you need me.. And please stop talking about death.. I'm not ready yet to lose you anytime soon.. Not until I repay your kindness.. I hope ALLAH will grant me my wishes.. Insyallah..
Way Overdue Pictures.
Procrastinator Rynn? Melampaooo!!
Pasir Ris Beach Outing..

Recenlty I got myself another soft toy from boyfriend, Sticht Presly look-a-like.. Thanks horrr...

The sumptuous food that we indulged.. Mummy cooked for us Ayam Masak Kurma, knowing me and boyfriend are going for picnic.. "Cukop ke Rynn? Nanti Roy lapar kang?" See, bukannyer nak heran aku lapar... INI TIDAK ADIL!! Haha.. Hubby highly anticipating search for shells.. Dier nie memang.. "Bie, takmu ddk jer uh.. Temankan I carik ikan ke, kupang ke, balek bolek masak".. Haha.. Aku yang nak gi Beach, dier yang excited berok!!
K uh!! Thats long ehk..
Nak kene buat assignments already!!
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