Step mane nyer jiwangs jer dier, padehal tgh dgr lagu house blast-kuat-nak-mampos!!
Sebok nah dgn dier nyer I-phone!!! Meluat! Buang uh!!
Tembam sey?? But bf likes it.. So no herans!
K da!!Go bace my entry! Siket sudah!
I m back!!
Materialistic ways.
Just redo my resume to make it more presentable and professional. But still, i'm not satisfied yet. Grr..
So, do i need a rich man?
Yeah. That was like ermm... 4-5yrs back...
I used to be very materialistic. Those kinda bimbo's only looking for labels to accesorize themselves. I'm one of them. Typical me. Name it and i'll get it. So i thought that by getting a rich man and settle down with, will be appropriate. Naive-thinkings. Lol.
Those were the days, i dated a few "rich" guy (reason being fer the inverted comma's because some are not rich because they live wealth on the parents ka'chings). That spells spoilt brat. I admit, I love the "attentions". Just name it, I'll get it.. (Dasar pisau cukur ehk ney pmpn!) However, i realised one thing common about them, they are never loyal. I'm saying this on my general encounters but I do believe some rich guys aren't like that. Maybe 1 in a 1,000,000.. Seriously, I don't like sharing boyfriends. But that is what happened. Rich guys = Player. Random equalisations.
Drop that part.
But after sometimes, I realised that I don't need a rich man to make my life more fufilling and enviable. Face the reality check girls, we can't depend on guys nowadays. Seriously. Trust me. I mean, they are rich and they can do anything, that means everything alright.
Materialistic ways.
This applies to the kind of job that I've applied in the past years. I wanted a bomb kinda salary to provide me the unnecessary labels stuffs. (Ok, i admit till now, but not that terok like last time ehk, purleeezzeee). After much experiences, I believe that I need a job that gives me some kind of satisfaction at the end of the day. And the I must very much enjoy the job. So that explains why I took the current course. I've been alaways inspired to help people. I do help when I know I'm capable of helping. Like listening to my close friends problem. Although I didnt help much, just by listening, I understand it will somehow enlighten the burden by bit.
Rich man?(Hopefully we can get rich together. Fair and equal square ehk Bie. Baru Besssst-aaarrr Ermm .. But if fated my hubby will be a rich man somehow someday, I'll be very glad because I'm with him through thick and thin. We've been through alot of downs lately. Insyallah, our future will be brighter. Ok, that doesn't mean I'm gonna take advantage of him. Lol. I wanna earn my own hard/cold cash. Don't worry, I won't burden my sayang too much.
In this case, if hubby gets rich and wanted to marry another girl, at least I have my career to be proud of. There is still reason for me to look forward.
He plan to continue his studies in hotel management, no doubt dear, I will give you the courage and encouragement that you will need in the process of accomplishing your goals.
K ader teka-teki..
Byk2 doll, doll maner boleh berenang?
Tak tawu kan? Haha
Hover to my private blog.
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