Start off with Saturday morning, 3 families from fartenal side come all the way from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Me and Mum busy cooking for them.. The food was delicious(mcm menyambot kedatangan dorg mcm sambot menteri jer).. Ketam and udang sambal, lemak labu, sambal belacan, telur masak kicap.. They finish up all the food.. (Da mcm Pirhana kan? Hehe.. Tapi syiok tgk dorg mkn)
For the first time bf got to meet them. Nervous ehk Bie?? Told ya, I have alot of relatives local and not locals.. Hehe.. But it went well.. Me? I got bullied by small kids.. However, I think they went beyond control.. My Newphews.. They will just kick you in rebellious manner.. When you scold them, they will scold you back.. And one just pop up this questions which definitely made bf in awkward position.. He asked bf " Are you in love with my Busu(Aunty in Malay, tats me)?" Mind you, he's merely 10 yrs old.. I find it quite disturbing and disrespectful.. I don't know.. What you think? About kids nowadays?
Sunday, badly i wanna avoid myseld from being bullied, I decided to have my own plan with gf..In the morning, woke up, took my last exams.. Yeahhhaaa... Finish school already.. Waiting for results.. Head to Vivo.. Lunch-ed at BK- Spicy bla-bla.. The new meal.. Walk around... It gets bore after sometime... Eye-ing for this dress/blouse whereby I can wear it in multiple ways.. COOL!!!
"Bie, can ehk? Hehe.. Die2 must hv tao tu dress.. U can suker sexy2.." Lol..
Den head to suntec since gf wana drop off at cotton on.. Nothing captured her attention afterwhich we proceed to Esplanade to watch life performance; Gig frm Manila.. Not bad.. The funny thing is that me and gf were hypnotized by their song that we sang it on the way home..
Took rebound train and dropped at amk mrt station.. Gf went home first whereares me, waiting for dear bg as he planned to sleep over.. Wee..

He looked at my me with his blurr-but-cute-nak-mampos-face and said
"I syg u mcm grass uh!! U try kire.. Bape byk tuh??! I mean termasok dari negeri laen nyer grass" .. Haha.. Romantic sgnt2 ehk Bie.. Blueks!!

Tuesday & Wednesday was Bf day as he took personal leave just to spent time with me.. Hehe.. *menjeng mode*
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