Saturday, May 30, 2009
Posted by Rynn at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Hubby specially made this using his I-phone software, just for me to upload at my blog. How thoughtful. Muacks!!
Happy 2 years and 7 mths anniversary dear! May we have more anniversaries to come... I know you've been waiting for me to say this all these while
I Love You Baby!!
You wanna know what make me love you?
The Little Things You Do.
Although you replace those real flowers,
With the rose that you made out of Ferrero Rocher wrappings,
I will still love you because of the little things you do.
Those calls from work
Just to tell me that you love me
Those random night sms received,
Just to tell me you miss me
The attached little card,
That came with fresh cut flowers
The little note appear,
Left in the morning on the mirror
That suddenly appears,
When I suddenly step out of shower
Soft kisses on my cheek,
When you think I'm asleep
A how ya doing honey and how was your day?
A warm soft hug behind me
While I do the cooking
A little nibble on my neck
While I put the away dishers
Its the little things that I treasure the most
How they can brighten up my day
Making love to you brings me much pleasure
But its the little things
That keep us together
Those little things
Will make me love you forever
Those peaceful walks
Out in the moonlight
The making up
After a small fight
The way you take me in your arms
And touch my face
How could there be love
If we just lived day by day
No special moments made
For thoughts of yesterday
Those foot massages
After a long day of work
Making dinner
When I'm just too tired to cook
These for no reason whispers
To tell me you care
Those little things dear
Let's do it all over again
Posted by Rynn at 4:31 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 25, 2009
Usual random outing with dear gf, shidah.
Usual place. Usual gossips! Love u bestie.. I'm lucky I'm in love with my bestie... Hehe... *wink ketat2*

Boredom strikes! Ney la keje kami. Mcm2 expressions kiter kasi... Amek kawwww!!
Posted by Rynn at 11:57 PM 0 comments
Step mane nyer jiwangs jer dier, padehal tgh dgr lagu house blast-kuat-nak-mampos!!
Sebok nah dgn dier nyer I-phone!!! Meluat! Buang uh!!
Tembam sey?? But bf likes it.. So no herans!
K da!!Go bace my entry! Siket sudah!
Materialistic ways.
Posted by Rynn at 2:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 23, 2009
They did managed to find out the father wherabouts. Maria was delighted. However upon seeing her face, the father turned away. Maybe he was heart-broken. Maria clinged tightly to her father. Yet he just stood rooted to the ground. After sometime, the fatther walked away.
Maria and the hosts decided to follow him. He went into a house. Without any doubts, they are quite sure that the father lives there. That means, there is high chance of seeing her mother.
And there they are. Maria's parents. When Maria was being told that they already found her mother, she immediately asked the hosts to bring her nearer. And you know what she did?
This part touched my heart.
She hugged her mother and start crying, apologising her mistakes. The mother kissed her saying things will be alright.. See... That's proven a mother's love.. A mother always being the gentle one who forgives us and accept us back whenever we let them down.. True?? I totally agree with it.. Maria then asked the host to bring her basin of water.
She washed her mother's feet then start kissing while seeking forgiveness.. And after that, she drank the water that she used to washed her mother's feet.. We all know, especially the muslims, that heaven lies underneathe mother's feet (btol ehk) hentam saje lah.. asalkan korg phm sudah. Only then the father welcome her in his warmth arms. Best kan?? Tawuu...
A friend of mine ever question me this, do you need a rich man to make you happy?
Wanna know what's my anwer? Wait for next entry.. Hehe
Posted by Rynn at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 22, 2009
Truly An Eye Opener
I have this sudden vibe to blog about a reality tv show that i watched with mummy yesterday. Truly and eye-opener. Its for real. Gosh, the show brought tears to my eyes. K enough! It's indon!
Its about a teenage girl merely 20's or early 20's who's blind and work as a dish washer in a small restaurant. Although she's blind, the employer said that so far she have not yet break any plates. Surprisingly.
She have written a letter to a media; saying that she wanna share some story and find her parents.
The reasons why she wanna find her parents is to mend her mistakes and seek apologies from her family. Din't get the story? Hehe..
Now, its only the beginning aite..
Upon receiving the letter from Maria (the blind girl), the hosts decided to drop by the work place to get the full story.
When the hosts arrived at the restaurant, they saw Maria doing her job. Her employer brought her to see the hosts.
Maria admitted that she has a nice employer whom willingly take care of her and gave her job in order to get a stable income so that she can buy medications to cure her blindness.
But what really happened?
She confessed that theres reason that caused her blindness.
She started to shed tears while she continues sharing her past.
She came from a very poor family. Full complete family that includes her parents and elder brother and sister. However, at a very young age, she was naive and kinda protest the way they lead their lives. She got tired of being poor that one day, she ran amok. She start cursing her mother for not being able to give her needs. The father tried to calm her down, but he was pushed away harshly. Despite that, everyone in the family got the ill-treatment from her. After the awful scenes, she decide to run away from home to make her own living.
She did. But as a mistress to an old rich man. Her life drastically changed to a better one. Living in luxurious life is all these while she wanting to have. She started to drift apart from her family. However, one fine day, Allah decide to take back the things she have.
She was kicked out of the house. She insisted of staying and begging the old man. The man pushed her hard that she fell down from high staircase. She accidently knocked her head that caused multiple injuries. Results in blindness.
She regretted her past and wish her acts in the past can be condoned by her family members especially her parents.
The hosts helped her to find her elder brother and sister. But the sad thing is that upon seeing Maria, she was cursed. They repeated saying that they alredy disregard the small sister and wouldn't want anything to do with her anymore. The brother even poured black coffee on her. I think that's way to much! Gosh! Fine, i understand there was sense of bitter disappoinments which engulfed their emotions. But you don't have to go to the extend of lowering your sister's pride infront of public. All she wanted was to seek forgiveness and wanting to see the parents. Mistakes are inevitable. The saddening part was that both brother and sister said that she was child born out of wedlock. She start thinking hard about who are her real parents.
The sister and brother insisted not to give her parents address.
The hosts then decided to seek help from her aunty. The same treatment she gets from her aunty. Despite crying profusely and begging, the aunt gave up and informed the hosts the working place of her father.
Does she get to meet her father?
Did she manage to seek apologies from her parents?
Stay tune!
Posted by Rynn at 6:14 PM 0 comments
Result for Foundation Psychology were out. And... I passed!! Wuhooo... Suker noh!! Waiting for one more month before I'm officially graduate from APMI KAPLAN.
So many plans quequing up for me. Mummy has been bugging me to enrol my license. Wait can, till I gather all my courage? Hehe. Nervous. Grr. My bad! But should be all ready by end of this month, insyallah. Still contemplating though, should i take private or school because your missy here wanna take manual. Hehe. Oh ya, pade kakak2 (stop it ehk!) yg tgh tgu TP and da pass kerete tuh, sudi2lah tunjok ajar pade patek ehk? maceh. Especially yg amek MANUAL ehk. Haha. K sudah!
Now my mission is to find for suitable job. Grr. MONEY! MONEY! MONEY! Ermm.. Have to save up. Planning to still pursue my studies after I settle down with at least a stable income.
Psychology/Counselling. Big words. Lol. The course that I took quite troublesome because before I can be a certified psychologist/counsellor, I need to get at least a DEGREE. Apart from that, clock in clinical (insert few hundreds) hours. But seeing my lecturers becoming one successful psychologist really inspires me to be one. Looking forward to help people undelying their needs to resolve daily conflicts. The benefits of this course is that I've learnt how to manage my problems appropriately. Futhermore, the interest is there and on top of that, I find it is a very noble profession and relevant because everyone of us need a psychologist or counsellor (if they afforrd to have one) to help them realise some things that may not be seen with naked eyes. I've choosen my path.
A not-so-famous but should be maxim "If a thing's worth doing, it's worth doing it badly.
Proper updates soon. Perhaps. *menjeng mode*
Posted by Rynn at 12:59 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Twins. 2 Father. 2 different DNA's. What a jinx. Haha. Not really. The more the merrrier. I guess. Pity the kids and the FATHERS.
Posted by Rynn at 6:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 18, 2009
Hiatus Mode Like Again!
Posted by Rynn at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Start off with Saturday morning, 3 families from fartenal side come all the way from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Me and Mum busy cooking for them.. The food was delicious(mcm menyambot kedatangan dorg mcm sambot menteri jer).. Ketam and udang sambal, lemak labu, sambal belacan, telur masak kicap.. They finish up all the food.. (Da mcm Pirhana kan? Hehe.. Tapi syiok tgk dorg mkn)
For the first time bf got to meet them. Nervous ehk Bie?? Told ya, I have alot of relatives local and not locals.. Hehe.. But it went well.. Me? I got bullied by small kids.. However, I think they went beyond control.. My Newphews.. They will just kick you in rebellious manner.. When you scold them, they will scold you back.. And one just pop up this questions which definitely made bf in awkward position.. He asked bf " Are you in love with my Busu(Aunty in Malay, tats me)?" Mind you, he's merely 10 yrs old.. I find it quite disturbing and disrespectful.. I don't know.. What you think? About kids nowadays?
Sunday, badly i wanna avoid myseld from being bullied, I decided to have my own plan with gf..In the morning, woke up, took my last exams.. Yeahhhaaa... Finish school already.. Waiting for results.. Head to Vivo.. Lunch-ed at BK- Spicy bla-bla.. The new meal.. Walk around... It gets bore after sometime... Eye-ing for this dress/blouse whereby I can wear it in multiple ways.. COOL!!!
"Bie, can ehk? Hehe.. Die2 must hv tao tu dress.. U can suker sexy2.." Lol..
Den head to suntec since gf wana drop off at cotton on.. Nothing captured her attention afterwhich we proceed to Esplanade to watch life performance; Gig frm Manila.. Not bad.. The funny thing is that me and gf were hypnotized by their song that we sang it on the way home..
Took rebound train and dropped at amk mrt station.. Gf went home first whereares me, waiting for dear bg as he planned to sleep over.. Wee..

He looked at my me with his blurr-but-cute-nak-mampos-face and said
"I syg u mcm grass uh!! U try kire.. Bape byk tuh??! I mean termasok dari negeri laen nyer grass" .. Haha.. Romantic sgnt2 ehk Bie.. Blueks!!

Tuesday & Wednesday was Bf day as he took personal leave just to spent time with me.. Hehe.. *menjeng mode*
Posted by Rynn at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
Posted by Rynn at 9:46 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Monday- Saloon Date with the girls although it was a last minute thing. Met them up at K-One Saloon at Amk Central. Dearest Adibah wanted to rebond her hair. Mentel kan ney gegerl! Pasal siren dier bunyik jgk lar aku update ney blog! Malas uh! Takder semangat!Abv pic was taken in the saloon itself... Sorry for the unglam pic.. And Diba, dari blakang mcm ''momok-tak-jadi''.. Wee.. The 3-rebonded-girls...

Wednesday was promised ''Gym+Swimming Date'' With Gf.. Muke aku tak perlu!! I need to slim down seriously.. Ishk!! Pipi aku jer tak tao camner nk slim down! Ddk umah mencekek jer keje aku! Dah tu tido! So tak perlu ehk!! Bf, i tak kesah! I wanna slim dwn jgk! Pfft!! Lin, muke maintain ehk? Haha

Remember this chocolates? Yea, Bz muching away while updating this blog of mine! Lapar!! Time check siket.. grrr... baru kul 2.30 pagi!!
Suddenly i wanna eat mee maggie goreng.. Haha.. BF slept over on tuesday night!! Case nk beli jiwe aku yg mem-bare2... He cooked for me mee maggi goreng (abv).. Nice lar!! Ney bkn nk membodek k.. Seriously sedap!!
To Adibah,
Posted by Rynn at 1:45 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Venting my anger, disappointment and whatnots!!
Seriously, I need a place to vent my anger and the perfect place will be here.
My Saturday was awful!! Don't wish to elaborate on it! Pathetic!! Fucking irr-noying.. It’s a combo!!! 2 in 1 package!! Fucktards!!!!! Outdoor plus indoor.. Ok fine, you got mixed up right? I don’t know what I’m actually blabbering.But...... That’s not important!! For me to know for you to find out!!
Lighter note, thks dear gf, shidah for enlighten the burden although it was a last minute plan.. Apologies for causing you hassles result not spending much time with *insert name*..
Grr.. Where shall I start..First of all, I will not mention any name/S so don’t presume u feel the pinch!!
Seriously, I don’t need that kind of Saturday. It was so wrong!! No comment needed please.. Hell yes, shut the fucking trap.
Worst, making me confessed thus hurting you? Too bad, you asked for it, you got it. No excuses because I just hate the words coming out from your filthy mouth! Pissed!! No! You don’t have to say it anymore. I understand those statement; crystal clear. And no! You don’t have to let the matter left in abeyance. Because I don’t wish to talk about it ever!! Period!
In my room? On my bed? Double disgusted! Freak Morons! What an ass!! You bring shame bitch! Yes you!! Such a disgrace!! Aww.. Not your fault is it? Really? I don’t give a fucking hoot about it.. Packed your bags and yeah.. the door is right in front of you. You are welcome to leave immediately. Disgusted with the evidence. Yes, it’s your fucking business if you want to do anything but please not that kind of way. Looks may be deceiving! In other words, DIAM2 LEPU! No wonder you like sleeping over. And to you, my patience has limits. All these years I’ve tolerate and endure all this shits. Because of you, everything ruined! Thank you so much blood. Blood? I already disregard you as one. Sad? I don’t think so! Because I still have 2 more.. Nah.. Minus one.. Yes left one.. But I’m totally fine with it because this person have no issue with me. .
Huh? You know what, you’re so contradicting but you don’t realise it. You ain’t no big fuck, fucker!! NO!! You said I’m the worst. Look who’s talking? You think from where I gained that kind of “skills” and “knowledge”? You seriously need a mirror and make a reflection of yourself.
And you, you won’t understand the “things” I went through. You just listen and make assumptions that everything was fine! Fine for you, ain’t me! Think by threatening me can bring justice? Lame!! I don’t need you! Nah, I aint searching anymore. My searching is done and over! I’m tired. It’s time for me to make it up for myself. I’ve been silly. Not this time round. I have other better things to do. You or without you, it’s just the same...
Despite the buffet of vulgarities used in the content, I’m just partial satisfied.
We’ll see whats next.
Fuck off!
Posted by Rynn at 7:16 AM 0 comments