I have already start working at _(fill in the blanks)_. =)
It was fun working in a different environment for now.
And of course the first person who gets excited is my mum because working in this line, entitled to get all the benefits and not forgetting bonus and to add on with my diploma qualifications.
Alhamdullilah.. Amiinn..
For the first day, it was chaotic and nerve-wrecking.
But I enjoyed socializing with the people and my colleagues.
But somehow, at the end on the day, I have blisters due to the new shoes (which I didn't bite; myths?)
I believe I have to attend some course to improvise certain area like grooming wise and etc.
Well, I'm up for it if it can reflect and give a good reputation for my CV.
Yesterday, which is thursday, my dear bestfriend fetched me from work.
She didn't recognized me when I'm in my uniform and bun hair.
Ade ke cakap aku look like "kakak-kakak"
That one, okay. Kalau like "kakak" ishk takmu k...
Before I met her, my department have "makan-makan" session.
It was o-kay.
Best friend waited for me at the taxi stand and we proceed to have our late lunch.

This is what she have for her so called "dessert".
It was nice.
Char Siew Chicken Rice was my choice.
Nice !!!
Ended up, bestfriend decided to buy just the chicken but somehow the seller give her the wrong order. Lol.
And then it was exchanging-gift session.

The cute bag she got for me.
I ♥ Boston.
The mist from VS is loved.
And not forgetting the Magnets from Boston which is a must.
We slacked till about 10 plus before I call it a day since I'm working the next day.
We had fun!!
We had our "curah-mencurah" session.
I wanna do this again, pls!!
Personal Message Response.
dun wrry b...i fecth u whenver im free..lau ade duit tiap2 ari i amek u...mesti la da janji sey..tk kn nk munkir janji..dosa tau...nnti we go slimming centre...
haiyoo, why you never leave your name la mister.
Thank you for your kind thoughts Muhd Azroy. Takmo cakap jer, make sure buat. Haha..
Chey dosa la pulak dier bebual.. -_- .. Yeah, I wanna remove the cellulite pretty please .. =(
What's my plan for the weekend ehk?
Errmm .. Stay at home and sleep !!
National day? Nah, I rather sit at home and relax.. I don't wanna squeeze myself in between people (with different odours = yucks) just to see the freaking fireworks.. Nah-uh!!
Oh ya, I might heading to Expo since they having some great sale there.
Mummy leaving for KL like again.
Macam tak habes-habes kan?
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