Time check, its only ... err... going to be 6 a.m
I'm up that early because the boy just left for work and left me wondering what shall I do.
I seem can't get to sleep. It's raining heavily though and its good to sleep in.
However I chose to update this silly blog of mine.
Best Friend has touchdown-ed safely on Saturday. Or was it Friday? Err ..
Nevertheless, I was very excited. When I was on my way home, received a sms from her informing her flight already landed.
Sempat berpantun pulak tu!!
I wasted my weekend.
I slept throughout Saturday because I don't know where to go and weather seems so unpredictable, true? I rather stay at home.
For Sunday? Same problem.
Boring nak mampos !!
Personal Message Response.
Lin: hello sayang! i'm back in Singapore! And man.. i miss you so darn much!! bile nak bersession potpurri?plus asl ek kau tk letak ni pm thingy? i was trying to leave u msgs on your blog! hee.. meet up soon! got smtg fr you frm boston!
Rynn : Hello love !! I know !! Haha .. This is the 3242758237598 times you told me babe!!
Potporri session ? Uh-uh siak !! Our lame inside joke!! Perangai kan kau!!
Aku decided to put up this application because I guess every message is personal.
Haha.. Mane tao, kau tanak org laen bace.. Tsk tsk .. Haha..
That is why its called PM.
Me too !! I got for you something too !! Aku pon pergi belayar la! Mane ko tao!
Haha!! Set a date with me soon because I already start working.
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