Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Back blogging.
I know!! I'm so being unpredictable, when I feel like blogging, I tend to blog like almost everyday.
If not I will leave this page blank for weeks. Well, this is the place for me to vent out everything. I do not care if I have just few readers. I'm happier that way.

Boyfriend already fell asleep minutes ago and now here I am blogging.
We had a slight tiff just now and luckily we're back on track again.
It's hard for him to let me go despite me being me, always bring up the "break up" topic.
Don't ask me why. Boyfriend already immune to it by now.
We shouted, we cursed, we swore, we cried, we kissed, we hugged and we make up.
No doubt every relationship go through the same phase.
I kinda sleepy now. Gonna tuck in later.
My post kinda draggy with no pictures.
For, I simply can't be bothered.
I still need to do something about my blog here and there.
Kyla, wanna join boyfriend to sleep.