The blog is dead again.
I'm hungry! In the middle of the night.
Time check 1.12am. Grr..
Should be getting some sleep later on..
Since I have some of my time to spare, just do an update.
I'm officially hooked up to I~phone.
Not the phone itself.
But the applications and games.
Thanks to the boyfriend of mine.
Bad influence!!
And now, I've been downloading games.
However, I only adore the applications but not the phone.
I'm not a 'touch-screen-friendly' , you see..
I find it hassles..
I have small hands but then my fingers look gigantic..
Hehe.. Ape saje je Rynn..
Whatever it is....
I'm hungry! In the middle of the night.
Time check 1.12am. Grr..
Should be getting some sleep later on..
Since I have some of my time to spare, just do an update.
I'm officially hooked up to I~phone.
Not the phone itself.
But the applications and games.
Thanks to the boyfriend of mine.
Bad influence!!
And now, I've been downloading games.
However, I only adore the applications but not the phone.
I'm not a 'touch-screen-friendly' , you see..
I find it hassles..
I have small hands but then my fingers look gigantic..
Hehe.. Ape saje je Rynn..
Whatever it is....

I may opt for I~touch.
I need a proper device to store my songs and at the same time games.
Not bad idea ehk bie?

As far as I'm concern, I'm still waiting for HTC touch pro 2.
Harge tak turon2 ehk nih hp.
So the melampao.
All I heard HTC nyer value cepat turon ehk?
Something like LG. Is it?
But I fall in love with the hp.
It have touch screen and keyboard/pads.
I know touch screen phone is the 'in-thing' now right?
So mcm style uh gitu.
Depan org pakai touch screen, blakang org jer bukak keyboard. Bole?
One more thing, touch screens are very sensitive.
Imagine you have to attend to an emergency call or sms and your touch screen buat hal, alternatively can use the keypad. Hehehehe..
Da settle my outstanding bill baru beli nih la bie.
No hurry..

Aetos Security.
He was being stationed at ICA Building.
I heard some negatives perception towards Aetos but somehow let's just give it a try.
He started work Monday 1st March.
Timing sucks big time.
7.25 am till 7.30 pm.
He called me during his break and whine saying how tired he was standing on his feet for long hours. Pity him somehow. Terok or what. Patience is a virtue la org kate.
And the thing that worries him the most is our time spend together. Lol.
Our relationship has been a bumpy one lately.
Misunderstanding took place now and then.
But somehow we get back on track again.

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