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Maklumlah, I very anti-soSIAL.. oppss.. censored.. Pardon my hyper-ness.
Tak cukop tidor, mcm gini lar kan.
My life?
Well, cash flow in tiny bit.
Cash flow out......... $$$$...
Degree course sangkot!! Takpe.. Org kate, take things slow-ly.. Takmu kanchiong spider..
"Yang dikejar tak dapat, yg digendong keciciran" Hahaha.. Aku type peribahase, aku ketawe..
K whatever ehk...
I was kind enough to accompany boyfriend to work this morning.
Tau la kan pagi2, MRT nyer perot... mak oiii... mintak ampunn.. punyer la ramai orang..
Sorrylah pade orang2 yang keje pagi termasok bf aku... Akak tak biase... Akak slalu masok keje pukol 9-10am.. Jadi by then naek train pon da longgar... Bf biseng je...
"You nak tao ape? Pagi2 nih la ade byk org perangai, kentot lar, ape la"..
Hehe.. Kesian dier.. Ehk takmu ketawe kan orang ade je dapat keje skali kene pagi.. Amek ko..
Ala belom tunggu petang.. Bau ketiak satu2... Mengancam tak terkate.. Mane bau budak skola..
Ape?? Tolong siket ehk.. Dulu rumah dgn skola kiter walking distance.. So tak yah susah2 kan org ngan ketiak masam!! Sblm kuar skola, pakai deodorant.. K, nih part bedek.. Tak kuase.. Da penat.. I don't go out or lepak with my uniform.. Unless urgent uh.. Latest balek rumah dgn baju skola pon pukol 5.. Klw nak keluar, balek mandi and salin baju...
Tengah syiok bebual, skali ade satu budak dari skola secondary lame la.. Naseb baek korang tukar uniform, badge aku tak compulsory pakai.. Buruks ehk.. Mane baju uniform lawa? EHk jap.. ade per.. Amaciam jepon2 nyer lawa? Mcm sailormoon.. Classic ehk cartoon tu..
Tat besides the point.. Dier lipat skirt.. Alar standard protocol untuk chikaroo la kan.. Tapi dik, lipat skirt laen kali time gosok skirt tu, lipat and gosok.. Senget la dek.. Kan pecah rahsia..Klw tak cukop duit pon gi alter, lipat skirt elok2.. k? No.. I don't practice lipat skirt.. Skirt skola mmg da di alter oleh tailor.. Lol.. Klw diri nampak decent.. Klw tonggek.. confirm cap pornography.. Psl saye pendek..
Kyla.. I know, da lame tak update, blog pon berterabo..
Alot of things need to be done.. Bye!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Posted by Rynn at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Back home.
Had breakfast with Mummy before she rush off to work.
Gonna fix some appointment in a bit and off to interviews.
Might be meeting bestie later. Text me, girl!!
Boyfriend was so restless just now.
Insufficient sleep, I guess. Pity him.
Hang on there, alright.
That boy of mine already thought of transferring to ICA since some claimed that the work there are much more relax. Well boy, the decision is yours. I know the timing sucks and the current duty such-a bore to you. You really need the cash to continue your studies. I'm right behind you.
So yeah, as mentioned in the previous post, I made him something for lunch. Tight cash now. Bear with it awhile sweets.
Gosh!!!! May is drawing near..
Soooo not looking forward to it.. *roll eyes*
On top of that, it's hard for boyfriend to take leave on that particular day since it's not even three months of working. So yeah, Aetos kinda have strict rules and regulations about leave during the first three months. Aiyaa.. Never mind, I understand.. So how to abscond ehk? Hmmm.. Maybe should have one night stand with the ladies.. I mean, pyjamas party or something..Order pizza, watched dvds, doll up each other, manicure or pedicure.. Sounds fun? Sounds a plan to me.. Sooo cleverrr...
Ok la, I don't know what else to update..
Edited @ 7.15pm
Now waiting for boyfriend to reach my place from work.
He just text me saying wanna take medical leave tomorrow.
Looks like someone is dragging his feet to work huh? Which personally, I also hate that feeling. No excitement. Not looking forward. I know. It's really tiring for you. Standing without sitting. Walking around. Scan people. And What ever the security officer's job scope is. If I knew this will happen, I already accompany you for the interview at PSA the other day as prime movers. They sponsor you license (which i can't remember, but I know its beneficial for you) and also they will reward you with some ITE skills Certificate. If the job opportunities is still open, I will apply for you again.
Had interviews and ditched the plan of meeting bestie because I'm so tired.
Got home and crashed till 6pm. The weather is so humid then I had to full blast the fan. But still perspire. Sticky-stinky!! Bath for the third time, cooked dinner for boyfriend and here I am waiting patiently for his arrival. He should be on his way now. Gonna have dinner with him later.
I know I've been blogging a-lot now. Haha. Well. it all depends on my mood.
See ya!!
Posted by Rynn at 7:39 AM 0 comments
I have a sudden crave for Bihun Goreng!!!!
The one selling at ANANAS Cafe especially at Clementi.
Since boyfriend no longer working there, it's very difficult to get.
So have to wait for his off days.
Actually I can go there by myself ,but me being "menjeng semcm" so have to wait for boyfriend.
I simply love the sambal.
Nice combination.
Not forgetting the fried chicken.
Still remember at one point of time, the boyfriend and I had a tiff over something.
So, as to ''pujok'', he bought the bihun from clementi all the way to my home place.
Alalala.. Sweet sangat2.. *roll eyes*
But he promised me to bring me to Clementi to have my sinful indulgence of fried bihun on Sunday. Hopefully. And as a token of appreciation......

Let me cook something for boyfriend later.
In a while.
He can bring this to work for lunch.
Save money ehk bie.
Mee Maggie Goreng.

Posted by Rynn at 4:19 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
I'm hungry! In the middle of the night.
Time check 1.12am. Grr..
Should be getting some sleep later on..
Since I have some of my time to spare, just do an update.
I'm officially hooked up to I~phone.
Not the phone itself.
But the applications and games.
Thanks to the boyfriend of mine.
Bad influence!!
And now, I've been downloading games.
However, I only adore the applications but not the phone.
I'm not a 'touch-screen-friendly' , you see..
I find it hassles..
I have small hands but then my fingers look gigantic..
Hehe.. Ape saje je Rynn..
Whatever it is....

I may opt for I~touch.
I need a proper device to store my songs and at the same time games.
Not bad idea ehk bie?

As far as I'm concern, I'm still waiting for HTC touch pro 2.
Harge tak turon2 ehk nih hp.
So the melampao.
All I heard HTC nyer value cepat turon ehk?
Something like LG. Is it?
But I fall in love with the hp.
It have touch screen and keyboard/pads.
I know touch screen phone is the 'in-thing' now right?
So mcm style uh gitu.
Depan org pakai touch screen, blakang org jer bukak keyboard. Bole?
One more thing, touch screens are very sensitive.
Imagine you have to attend to an emergency call or sms and your touch screen buat hal, alternatively can use the keypad. Hehehehe..
Da settle my outstanding bill baru beli nih la bie.
No hurry..

Aetos Security.
He was being stationed at ICA Building.
I heard some negatives perception towards Aetos but somehow let's just give it a try.
He started work Monday 1st March.
Timing sucks big time.
7.25 am till 7.30 pm.
He called me during his break and whine saying how tired he was standing on his feet for long hours. Pity him somehow. Terok or what. Patience is a virtue la org kate.
And the thing that worries him the most is our time spend together. Lol.
Our relationship has been a bumpy one lately.
Misunderstanding took place now and then.
But somehow we get back on track again.

Posted by Rynn at 1:04 AM 0 comments