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Apologize for neglecting this space of mine.
Well, most of the time, from last week indeed, I was at love's crib.
Although I brought my laptop together with my portable vodafone with me, I didn't seem care to update. Maybe because love was beside me.
Well, this month, a lot of things happened especially during the beginning of the month.
He decided to give in and reconciled everything, only after that drama's. *roll eyes*
"Blood is thicker then water".
It could never ever be the same anymore.
Other than that, I made 2 new friends.
Welcome friends.
Thanks Alia dear.
Next, my mobile is getting on my last nerves!!
I've send for servicing for two times in just less than 5 days!!
Firstly, I can't seem to download any nice themes and games.
So my mobile was dull and bore.
And it will automatically off by itself.
I thought of changing to new phone and trade with something else like one of my favourites.
To think again, my E63 was so precious because it was a gift some love for my anniversary and late valentine's.
After the second time sending for repair, I simply can't charge my mobile.
I think the battery give some problems.
Besides that, I already download all the coolest software, themes and games and got them installed. Wee.
Supper efficient. I have my dictionary, internet radio, fashion games, sexy themes and a lot more!
But now, I can't on my pathetic mobile.
Apologize for neglecting this space of mine.
Well, most of the time, from last week indeed, I was at love's crib.
Although I brought my laptop together with my portable vodafone with me, I didn't seem care to update. Maybe because love was beside me.
Well, this month, a lot of things happened especially during the beginning of the month.
He decided to give in and reconciled everything, only after that drama's. *roll eyes*
"Blood is thicker then water".
It could never ever be the same anymore.
Other than that, I made 2 new friends.
Welcome friends.
Thanks Alia dear.
Next, my mobile is getting on my last nerves!!
I've send for servicing for two times in just less than 5 days!!
Firstly, I can't seem to download any nice themes and games.
So my mobile was dull and bore.
And it will automatically off by itself.
I thought of changing to new phone and trade with something else like one of my favourites.
To think again, my E63 was so precious because it was a gift some love for my anniversary and late valentine's.
After the second time sending for repair, I simply can't charge my mobile.
I think the battery give some problems.
Besides that, I already download all the coolest software, themes and games and got them installed. Wee.
Supper efficient. I have my dictionary, internet radio, fashion games, sexy themes and a lot more!
But now, I can't on my pathetic mobile.

Love's mobile was giving him some technical faults too.
Personally, I don't fancy this phone.
However, I just love playing his games.

Him, being super *itchy* went to switch phone with his friend.
He can't even scroll down the button and giving him hassles.
He can only do the outgoing and incoming calls.
That's it.
It's bulky!!

Since both facing problems with phones.
I suggested love to buy the 3310.
Very nostalgic!!
Never encounter any problems even the phone fell so many times.

Over the weekends, my aunty from KL came.
Other than that, I did my shopping spree.
New clothes. New shoes. New hp bag. New make up. Err .. What else ehk ..
Or recently I have cravings for these.
I want all these!!
Proudly presenting you, the-must-have-course,
Ikan Pari Bakar.
Ikan Pari Bakar.
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