Morning Earthlings.
I'm wide awake since 4 am. I know, right. W.e.i.r.d.
I've upload my small birthday celebration pictures in FB.
I've lost touch with blogging, lately.
I don't know why. Maybe I don't have any interesting source to blog about.
Let me do some update about my life then.
I've just been doing some tutoring. And still deciding on which course should I take.
I wanted to pursue my degree.
Psychology or Fashion?
I know, like again, me being me, being fickle-minded, like all the time.
Raffles Design School has been calling me up asking me whether I have make up my mind or not.
Grr!! Arbey duit nak cekao dkt mane??!!
Ehk, do NAFA or La Salle offer part time classes? I doubt so.
Because I wanted to work at the same time. Juggling with all that stuffs. Haiz.
Another school, which I can't recall the name of the school has been calling home asking me to pursue degree in psychology. The offer was good. Its recognized in Singapore Psychology Centre.
Like sooo good. *slaps forehead*.
BF said take things slowly and do what I like to do. BOTH??!
I know, sound so 'tamak'.
Then how?
Mummy said she will support me some of the cash but still, thought of working my arse off for my degree. How about that? Cheam!
Confirm kene ketawe.
Takpe la.. By this week I wanna visit the school and re-think all over again sampai senget!
Stress pe!!
My brother gonna marry her this MAY.
Nightmare or what!!!
I already planned with the girls and bf about short gateway.
I don't intend to be there.
Mummy has been bugging me to make cake, cookies, favours and gifts.
Mcm ape ntah.
Sure a-not Mummy wants me to do all the things?
Aku ehk? Aku nak gi buat tu untuk orang yg kedekot nak mampos!
Dah tu, kene carik kendarat. Jialat!!
Mcm da bole buat agency untuk mencari kendarat yg berbakat untuk kasi berkat. Haha!!
Rhyme ehk.. Nice one, Rynn.
Part belen2 gini, aku jgk yg kene buat. Suke?
Tak la, arbey?
Nak pegi carik reben untuk buat bunge utk kendarat lar, apela.
Aku nak kene jadi kendarat on that day. Banyak cantik muke mummy aku!!
Leceh pe nak khawin gini mcm. Ckp kenduri kecil-kecilan. Cukop time. Ahhh!! Amek ko!!
Dorg yg nak khawin, aku yg stress.
How like that? Takpe, dgn murah rezeki nyer, aku gi order mane2 kueh-mueh yg sedap, aku kasi je, ikhlas. Takde mase ehk nak buat2.
Da lah, aku mcm org giler pat sini, mengamok tak tentu pasal.
Ehk, bf wake up already or not?
Confirm tido mcm babi. Haha. Mentang2 aku da bangon.
My hair gone hay-wire again.
Need to do something about it already.
The colour fading away. Sunggoh tak perlu.
Sidetrack siket je.
My relationship wise?
VERY good.
Understand. Understood.
I'm out.